Proposed Sub-themes for the forthcoming Annual Conference of West Bengal Political Science Association to be held in 2012.
Sub-theme 1: Contemporary Trends in Political Theory: Genesis, Development, Critique, Relevance and their likely applications in real life situations. This session will make efforts to analyze, contextualize, evaluate and understand the major developments in present day political theories. Do such theories exist only in abstract forms, or do they help us in looking into the problematic of our daily concerns?
Sub-theme 2: Indian Political Thinkers: Learning from the Past and Understanding the Present. This session intends to highlight and evaluate contributions of Indian political thinkers in terms of their understanding of Indian society and politics. Are those ideas still relevant? Can they provide us with some guidelines for our future? Do their ideas provide us with any methodological guidance for understanding our state and politics?
Sub-theme 3: Contemporary Government and Politics in India with emphasis on Politics in West Bengal. The main purpose of this session will be to look into developments, dynamics and directions of Indian politics. Efforts may be made to identify performances, problematic as well as possibilities of the Indian polity. One may also look into various trends and tendencies of Politics in West Bengal in the broader framework of Indian politics. It will be of interest if efforts are made to explain, understand and evaluate politics in India as well as in West Bengal in terms of major theoretical frameworks of Political Science.
Sub-theme 3: Major Trends in World Politics since 2000: Crisis, Conflict and Cooperation? The main purpose of this session will be to examine how world politics has been shaped by globalization and its impacts, both positive and negative. Has there been any change in the nature of crises that affect the whole world in terms of economic slowdown, environmental catastrophes, apparent shifts in power structure, and other issues that have gained momentum in recent years? Is the world moving towards a permanent state of conflict or is it trying to evolve cooperative mechanisms in terms of global governance and confidence-building measures?
Sub-theme 4: Major Issues in Contemporary Public Administration: Good Governance, Public Management and Public-Private Partnership?